Discover how top mobile games in Japan leverage X (Twitter) for effective content marketing. Learn popular strategies like using comics, event calendars, and character introductions to engage Japanese audiences.
Uncover the leading global games that dominated Korean player spending in July 2024. This analysis dives into the top 100 revenue-generating games on Korea’s Play Store from July 6th to August 6th.
Discover key insights from our recent webinar, “Onboarding & Paywall in Japan: Where Little Changes Make Big Returns.” Learn effective strategies for user onboarding and paywall timing in Japanese apps. Rewatch the webinar and download the presentation for actionable takeaways.
Discover the rising trend of subscription business models in Japan. Learn how app marketers can leverage this growing market opportunity across various sectors like fashion, lifestyle, education, and more.
This comprehensive guide will provide practical tips and insights on using ChatGPT for ASO, focusing on meta keyword optimization, screenshot creatives optimization, and review rate optimization.
Unleash your mobile game’s potential in Japan! Recap our webinar on crafting creatives, influencer marketing, branding & strategic planning to win over the Japanese mobile gaming market.
Introduction The success of Royal Match through Customer Playable Ads (CPE) in Japan has sparked intrigue and raised questions about…