Submit articles ready for publication via this form:
Guest Article Submission Guidelines ๐
๐ Types of topics to write about
- interview
- data analyses
- industry insights
๐ Length of the Article
- To ensure consistency, please aim to write articles that are between 1,000 and 2,000 words long. For readability, we recommend dividing the content into 4-5 line paragraphs.
๐ Titles & sub-titles
- Please do not capitalize all words in the article’s title, as well as within the article, only the first word needs to be capitalized.
๐ Images
- Main Image: Please provide a 16:9 dimension image to be set as a featured image / cover photo of the article
- Embedded images:
- Preferably in 4:3 or 16:9 dimensions
- An article may have 5-6 images
*All images must be a clear high definition image, especially for images containing data (graphs, charts, etc.)
๐ Links
- Each article may contain outbound links as references behind statistical data, case studies from third-parties, mention in third-party publications.
- You may include up to 2 links to a page on your website / blog by placing it behind a text that clearly invites readers to read that page.
- We do not allow anchoring a specific piece of text inside an article with a link to a page on your website, with an intention to gain a higher ranking on Google, due to Googleโs policy. In this case the text represents a keyword(s) that your company aims to be ranked high for in Google Search Results.
๐ Authorโs bio
- To maximize benefits you can get from publishing your guest posts on aixpost, we suggest:
- Providing an Author-bio: Please provide a short (1-2 paragraph bio) for each article author
- Sending authorโs headshot photo (optional but recommended)
- LinkedIn profile URL: To let the audience know about the person behind the article.
Ready to send an article? Send your article on the Google form below:
In case youโre having trouble submitting your article, kindly email us on