ASO Audit Report: PayPal

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The PayPal app currently holds the 20th rank in the Finance category on the App Store in Japan. An initial assessment using the an ASO tool reveals an ASO score of 176/300, with a visibility score of 38/100. This indicates a considerable opportunity for improvement in enhancing the app’s visibility and overall ranking. In this report, we will delve into specific areas where PayPal can enhance its App Store Optimization (ASO) strategy.

PayPal on App Store Japan (As of Jan. 12, 2023)

In this specific ASO Audit, we will be using ASO index as our tool to analyze the ASO standing of PayPal app as well as suggest things to improve in terms of ASO.

  • Visibility Score: 38/100
  • ASO Score: 176/300
  • Ranking: 20th in Finance Category of App Store

Meta Keyword Optimization

Beginning the audit, an analysis using the ASO index highlights a Meta Keyword Optimization Score of 38/100, falling below half of the total score. This indicates a significant need for improvement in this area. To address this, PayPal should consider refining its metadata to include more relevant keywords, contributing to a stronger overall ASO performance.

MKO score calculated by ASO index

Feedback suggests a need for more touch in keyword optimization. A quick keyword research using the ASO index emphasizes the importance of exploring effective keywords to maximize the app’s potential.

Keyword Research


  • App title: “PayPal”
  • Character count: 6/30
  • Keywords on Title – Search Volume & Ranking:
    • “PayPal”: Search Vol. 77, Ranking 1

With an app title limited to 6 characters out of a possible 30, PayPal can significantly maximize its character count. Opting for keywords in Japanese would be advantageous for the Japan app store, considering user search habits. The article recommends filling the title with localized and meaningful keywords to optimize searchability.


  • App Subtitle: not utilized

The app subtitle, currently not utilized, offers an additional 30 characters for optimization. PayPal can take advantage of this space by incorporating meaningful keywords to enhance visibility.

Keywords PayPal Might Consider Adding

Utilizing ASO index‘s feature to explore other apps in a certain theme, I searched apps relevant in connection to “pay” keyword. This term has been popular these days for finance apps in Japan. I was able to extract keywords from top competitors in relation to my searched keyword “pay,” and added the relevant keywords to my tracked keywords.

Screenshot of the Keyword Explorer feature of ASO index when searched the keyword “pay”

Of course, selecting keyword to use to be able to rank higher is not easy-peasy as getting them from your competitors. But sure it helps! Further analysis is essential. This is when ASO tools become handy. To boost its visibility and enhance search rankings, PayPal should strategically embed additional keywords to its app’s metadata, meticulously observing each keyword’s standing. When selecting these keywords, it’s crucial to carefully assess key metrics such as search volume, likelihood of ranking, difficulty level, the prevalence of other apps using the same keywords, and the potential impact on search rankings.

Aside from competitors’ metadata, be sure to also examine keywords listed from the current description, and take advantage of ASO tools’ features like the AI keyword suggestion feature of ASO index.

Creative Optimization

  • CRO Score: 58/100
  • Number of Screenshots: 5/10
  • Preview video: Not Utilized

CRO score calculated by ASO index

The Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Score stands at 58/100, indicating room for improvement. With only 5 out of 10 allowable screenshots utilized, PayPal can enhance its appeal on the app store by maximizing this feature. Additionally, the incorporation of an app preview video could further boost conversion rates. PayPal can utilize this to highlight its app’s helpful features.

Competitors’ Creatives

Using ASO index’s free feature, App Explorer, I used the Creatives tab to explore what the app’s competitors are doing to have their app to the top. Here are some examples PayPal can get inspiration from:

Top “Pay” Competitors’ Creatives from Creatives Explorer feature of ASO index

Review Score Optimization

  • RSO: 80/100
  • Rating: 4.42

Screenshot of PayPal’s in Japan App Store’s Review & Rating from ASO index

With a commendable rating of 4.42 over the past month, PayPal is performing well in user satisfaction. Positive reviews indicate a successful service. To maintain this standing, listening to actual users of the app is vital.

Let’s take a look at the most mentioned keywords PayPal users write in their reviews in the App Store. Below are keywords captured by ASO index, divided into keywords in the positive reviews and keywords in the negative reviews.

ASO index screenshot of repeated positive and negative keywords from PayPal Japan App Store reviews

Picked keywords from Positive Reviews:

  • 安心 = peace of mind
  • 海外 = abroad
  • セキュリティ = security

Picked keywords from Negative Reviews:

  • 登録 = registration
  • 連絡 = contact
  • 手数料 = fee

Leveraging these keyword clouds, PayPal can actively listen to its users, reinforcing practices that receive positive feedback and refining areas that require improvement.

How to get better ASO standing?

Summary of Recommendations

  1. Fill Up the Title Space: PayPal currently underutilizes the allowable space in the app title, with only 6 out of 30 characters utilized. To enhance visibility, it is recommended to maximize the title character count with relevant and engaging keywords. This not only aids in search optimization but also captures user attention effectively.

  2. Utilize Subtitle Effectively: The subtitle option, left untapped by PayPal, presents an opportunity to provide additional context and relevant keywords. With a generous limit of 30 characters, crafting a compelling subtitle can significantly contribute to the app’s discoverability and user understanding.

  3. Maximize the Number of Screenshots: While PayPal is currently using only half of the allowed 10 screenshots, it is advisable to take full advantage of this visual space. By showcasing more aspects of the app’s features and benefits, potential users can gain a better understanding, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

  4. Localize Creatives with Competitor Inspiration: To resonate more effectively with the Japanese audience, localizing creatives is crucial. Drawing inspiration from top-ranking competitors through ASO index‘s App Explorer can provide insights into design elements, language nuances, and visual strategies that appeal to the target demographic.

  5. Incorporate Meaningful Keywords: Optimizing the app’s metadata with meaningful keywords is key to improving search rankings. By understanding user behavior and preferences, PayPal can integrate relevant keywords, enhancing its visibility and attracting users actively searching for related content.

  6. Continuous Keyword Testing and Analysis: A dynamic ASO strategy involves continuous testing of different keywords to gauge their impact on search rankings. Regularly analyzing the performance of these keywords allows PayPal to adapt and refine its approach, ensuring the most effective and current keyword usage.

In implementing these recommendations, PayPal can holistically strengthen its ASO standing, improving its app store visibility, engagement levels, and overall user acquisition. By adopting a strategic and iterative approach, the potential for long-term success in the competitive app landscape becomes increasingly achievable.

ASO audit tool: ASO index