From Purchase to Play: Unveiling Japanese Gen Z Gaming Landscape

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In the dynamic landscape of gaming, understanding the attitudes and preferences of different generations is crucial for both industry insiders and enthusiasts. A survey done by SHIBUYA109 lab. delving into the gaming habits of Japanese Generation Z has unearthed fascinating insights, shedding light on their preferences, spending habits, and the factors that drive their gaming choices.

Intriguingly, approximately 80% of Generation Z in Japan identifies as gamers. More fascinating is the fact that the majority indulge in gaming on a daily basis, dedicating an average of 100 minutes each day to their favorite pastime. This establishes gaming as a prominent aspect of their daily routine.

Preferred Gaming Platforms and Devices

The devices of choice for Japanese Gen Z gamers vary, but smartphones, Nintendo Switch, and PCs emerge as the top contenders. The versatility of these platforms offers a wide range of gaming experiences, from mobile gaming on the go to immersive sessions on home consoles and PCs.

Financial Commitment to Gaming

As technology advances, so does the financial commitment to gaming. Japanese Gen Z doesn’t shy away from investing in their gaming experiences. The survey indicates an annual spending average of around 10,446 yen (or 71 USD as of today) per individual. Breaking down these expenses, the major categories are game titles (37.6%), gaming devices (30.0%), and equipment for gaming (17.1%). This significant financial commitment underscores the importance of gaming in the lives of Japanese youth.

Motivations for Game Purchases

The motivations behind game purchases or downloads stem from diverse sources, including video streaming services, Twitter, and recommendations from friends. While social media significantly influences gaming choices, it’s interesting to note that Instagram does not rank among the top sources of information. This hints at varied media usage for different hobbies and interests within the Generation Z demographic.

Preferred Game Genres

The survey uncovered a rich tapestry of game preferences among Japanese Gen Z gamers. Role-playing, simulation, and rhythm games emerge as the top choices, providing a glimpse into the diverse tastes that characterize this generation.

Appeal of Games

The appeal of gaming for Japanese Gen Z extends beyond mere entertainment. Factors such as passing time, enjoying games at preferred moments, and stress relief are cited as primary motivators. The survey indicates that games are not just a form of entertainment; they are integral to the well-being and leisure activities of Japanese youth.


The survey on Japanese Gen Z’s gaming attitudes offers a comprehensive glimpse into a generation that is shaping the future of the gaming industry. From their spending habits to preferred platforms and genres, understanding these trends is essential for developers, marketers, and enthusiasts alike. As the digital gaming landscape continues to evolve, so too will the preferences and behaviors of Generation Z, leaving us to anticipate what lies ahead in the dynamic world of Japanese gaming.

Data Source: SHIBUYA109 lab.