South Korea’s revised Electronic Commerce Act introduces strict regulations on auto-renewal subscriptions and dark patterns. Learn how businesses can comply with the new law taking effect in 2025.
South Korea’s mobile market in 2024 shows a shift in user habits. Learn how OTT platforms and webtoons are rising, while traditional RPGs face revenue decline.
Learn effective strategies for mobile game marketing in Korea, covering popular game categories, user acquisition tactics, cultural nuances in advertising, and budget allocation for different game grades. Gain valuable insights for success in Korea’s competitive gaming market.
Explore the top mobile game categories in Korea for 2024, where action, casual, and RPG games lead the iOS and Android charts through strategic choices and strong IPs.
Uncover the leading global games that dominated Korean player spending in July 2024. This analysis dives into the top 100 revenue-generating games on Korea’s Play Store from July 6th to August 6th.
Introduction Japan and Korea, neighboring countries with a perceived likeness, are often recognized for their shared traits. Despite their geographical…
Introduction The year 2022 has been another dynamic year when many countries decided to live with COVID-19 and started opening…
Introduction The app market in South Korea has been growing fastly, and now it is the third largest app market…
Introduction While it is true both Japan and Korea are exotic to most western countries, Japan and Korea have various…