Understanding Golden Week in Japan: Business and Ad Design Creatives

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Golden Week in Japan is a collection of four national holidays within seven days. It is one of the busiest holiday seasons in Japan, both for local and international tourism. The week typically falls between the end of April and the beginning of May, encompassing Showa Day, Constitution Memorial Day, Greenery Day, and Children’s Day, creating one of the longest vacation periods for the Japanese workforce. During this time, many Japanese residents travel domestically and internationally, participate in festivals, and indulge in shopping and leisure activities. This surge in consumer activity makes Golden Week an essential time for businesses and marketers.

Source: Creatives in Japan: Does Japan Really Like Sakura?

In this article, we aim to share the impact of Golden Week to businesses in Japan and observe the common patterns of creative assets Japan usually has during this holiday.

How Does Japanese People Spend Golden Week?

The Golden Week period is one of the busiest holiday seasons in Japan, where many take the opportunity to participate in activities they might not normally have time for.

Data source: Intage

When asked how they planned to spend their golden week last 2023, people mostly said staying at home, shopping, eating out and traveling domestically. During this time, you can see festivities all around Japan. A lot of people go back to their hometowns and have family reunions. t’s also a time when businesses capitalize on the holiday spirit, prominently displaying “GWセール” (Golden Week Sale) banners to attract shoppers.

The Impact of Golden Week on Businesses

Data source: JTB

Golden Week in Japan significantly influences the business landscape each year, particularly through its effect on consumer behavior and travel patterns. Last year, the period saw an impressive total of approximately 22.91 million travelers. This year, the forecasts are even more striking, projecting a growth of 101.8%, which would bring the number of travelers to an estimated 23.34 million. This surge not only underscores the importance of Golden Week as a peak travel time but also highlights the substantial opportunities it presents for businesses across various sectors.

Golden Week in Japan and Ad Design and Creatives

In the realm of advertising, Golden Week prompts a blend of creativity and cultural sensitivity. Incorporating elements of Japanese tradition into ad designs not only pays homage to the culture but also appeals to the emotional side of consumers. Let’s analyze campaigns during this period to see common patterns.

Image source: Photo 12345・6

  • Colors used are usually related to the theme which is gold, and yellow that is reminiscent to it.
  • Also, since Golden Week is a long vacation and usually a good weather to go out, we can usually see assets that are related to picnic, sunny day, vacation, or outdoors.
  • Fonts really vary depending on the brand and campaign, but you can usually see it very festive and using decorative fonts.
  • Most campaigns abbreviate the keyword “ゴールデンウィーク” (golden week) to just “GW”
  • Keywords used together with this event is usually セール (sale), イベント (event), フェア (fair), special, and vacation


Golden Week in Japan is more than a series of holidays; it’s a cultural phenomenon that offers rich opportunities for advertisers to connect with their audience in meaningful ways. As we’ve explored, understanding the cultural significance, embracing digital trends, and navigating the challenges can lead to successful and impactful ad campaigns.

If you want to learn more about seasonal marketing in Japan, you might want to watch aix’s recent webinar: Creatives in Japan: Does Japan really like Sakura?

Access webinar materials here.