Case Study: My Talking Pet

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Discover the case study of aix on My Talking Pet - helping them on ASO, in-app localization, creative planning and composition

Client’s KPI

  • Increase organic users in Japan
  • ROAS Optimization


  1. Conduct market research about the genre of My Talking Pet (Competitors, social listening, and ASO diagnosis)
  2. Based on research, we analyzed and applied the most effective keywords to the metadata
  3. Based on research, we planned a set of screenshots and crafted them with a more Japan-friendly design and more natural copywritings.
  4. We also localized and optimized ad creatives (banners, and videos) to have better ROAS.

Services We Offered

  • ASO
  • In-app Localization
  • Creatives Planning & Composition


Screenshots Localization: Before and After

  • In Japan, gentle pastel colors are preferred. They give a more friendly and approachable impression. So we used the brand colors of light blue and pink for the background.
  • The app name 「おしゃべりペット」is well known in Japan, so the logo with text was used in the first view screenshot.
  • Preference is given to images of cats because more people in Japan have cats.
  • Moreover, the most popular breeds of cats and dogs, based on research, are featured on the screenshots. Shiba Inu was also given priority since its origin is Japan.
  • Photos that look like they were taken with phone was strategically used to give impression that they were taken by the pet owner. If the quality of the photo is too high, it seems like royalty free photos, it will give the impression that only limited photos of animals provided in the app can be used to make them talk. 

Creatives Planning & Composition

  • Based on thorough research, it has been found that viewers enjoy pet-talking videos, particularly those featuring pets communicating in a distinct dialect, which grabs attention. Tutorial-style videos are well-received. Humorous content, such as pets saying funny things, singing, or expressing grievances like wanting more food, generates positive reactions. Additionally, videos filmed at home using the owner’s phone tend to be more popular among viewers.
  • Following research findings, the video creation strategy includes an emphasis on making the content feel like it was captured at home. Additionally, incorporating a segment where the pet approaches the viewer is implemented to enhance viewer engagement. The choice of featuring a small Pomeranian is intentional, aiming to attract viewers with the appeal of this specific pet breed. This strategy aligns with the identified preferences of users, emphasizing relatability and attention-grabbing elements for a more appealing and popular video.

My Talking Pet is an app that lets your pets talk through photos.

Client: My Talking Pet

Project Period: January ~ June 2023

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