In this article, we dive into the latest ASO (App Store Optimization) trends in the Japanese App Store, focusing on popular marketplace apps. We’ll provide valuable insights into keyword usage and creative asset patterns by examining a trending keyword in the Discover section. This approach can be particularly beneficial for those unfamiliar with the Japanese language, offering a unique perspective on the app market.

For this analysis, we will use the free “App Explorer” feature from ASO Index, a tool that allows us to explore the Japanese App Store in real-time and gather insights quickly.
Trending Keyword: フリマ “furima”

The keyword “フリマ” directly translates to “flea market” in English. Japan uses this word widely to refer to a marketplace. It is a popular search term in Japan, reflecting the widespread use of mobile apps for buying and selling second-hand goods.
Top Ranking Apps for “フリマ” Flea Market / Marketplace

- Yahoo!フリマ(旧PayPayフリマ)
- かんたん・安心フリマアプリ
- 楽天ラクマ-フリマアプリ
- 楽天ポイントが使えて貯まるお得なフリマアプリ
- フリマアプリはメルカリ – メルペイのスマホ決済でもっとお得
- フリマアプリで簡単ショッピング!日本最大のフリマを楽しもう!
- 地元のフリマアプリ・ジモティー
- 手数料・送料ずっとなしで使えるフリマアプリ
- Yahoo!オークション
- ブランド品や掘り出し物が見つかるオークション、フリマアプリ
- モバオク – オークション & フリマアプリ
- オークション/フリマアプリでフリマを楽しもう
- トリマ-移動するだけでポイントが貯まるお小遣い稼ぎアプリ
- 散歩やウォーキングの歩数・アンケートで貯まるポイ活アプリ
- ハードオフ – 売ったり、買ったり、めぐりでポイント
- エコポが貯まる・使える・トクするアプリ
- Yahoo!ショッピング
- お得にお買い物!便利な通販アプリ
- フリマ一括検索
- メルカリやラクマユーザ必見の一括検索アプリ!
Popular Japanese Keywords Used in the Titles & Subtitles

- ポイント (Points)
- 貯まる “tamaru,” means to accumulate or to be saved up, most likely related to points
- お得 “otoku” can mean bargain, or saving or deals
- オークション (Auction) is quite a popular feature for marketplace apps in Japan
Icons: Common Patterns

- Text on icons is quite apparent – 9 out of 10 has texts on their icons, mostly their brand names
- There were no patterns observed for the kind of assets on the top marketplace apps in Japan. Creative assets used includes booth, box, megaphone, auction gavel, shopping bag, shopping cart, and magnifying glass.
- Character usage is also not popular, only appearing on 2 apps out of 10
Screenshots: Common Patterns

- Portrait Orientation: Utilized by 9 out of 10 apps, reflecting typical app usage
- Emphasis on Numbers: Highlighting number of downloads, users, fees
- “No.1” on screenshots seems to be not popular compared to other Japan app category – only claimed by 2 out of 10 apps
- Patterned Backgrounds: Preferred over plain backgrounds
- Character Use: 2 out of 10 apps used 2D characters, and 1 app featured a real human image
Colors & Fonts

- Colors for the top flea market/marketplace apps tend to be more on shades of reds and orange
- Reds were used more on icons, however usage of red is not so apparent on screenshots – it maybe that these apps want to catch attention on their icons but want to focus on app feature explanations with calmer tones rather than emphasis
- Majority of apps only just used fonts that are simple – Gothic (ゴシック体) or Sans-serif, focused more on legibility rather than emphasis
The analysis of the top-ranking marketplace apps in the Japanese App Store reveals significant trends in ASO strategies. Utilizing text on icons, emphasizing numbers in screenshots, and strategically choosing keywords like “points” and “deals” can significantly enhance app visibility. By understanding and implementing these patterns, developers can improve their app’s ranking and user engagement in a competitive marketplace.
ASO tool used: ASO index