Japan VS Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines: Mobile Landscape

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Japan VS Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines Mobile Landscape


Most marketers make the mistake of deploying a one-size-fits-all strategy for Asia, neglecting the unique characteristics of each country. Asia, a vast continent, is home to diverse cultures, with Japan standing out for its distinctiveness. However, other countries remain unexplored. In our upcoming series of articles, we will delve into the uniqueness of Japan’s mobile landscape, while simultaneously exploring the mobile markets of other Asian countries. This initial article marks the first installment of our series, with a specific focus on Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines.

Percentage of Users Accessing Internet via Mobile Phones

Percentage of Users Accessing Internet via Mobile Phones - Japan VS Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines

Japan leads with 91.60% of users accessing the internet on mobile devices. In contrast, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines boast even higher percentages—98.30%, 95.10%, and 97.30%, respectively. This staggering mobile internet penetration underscores the region’s reliance on smartphones for online access.

In Japan, the unique cultural context shapes mobile usage, but in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, mobile phones play a pivotal role in daily life, connecting people across diverse backgrounds. High mobile internet usage in Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines signifies substantial opportunities for businesses targeting these markets.

Total No. of Mobile App Downloads (Jan-Dec 2022)

Total No. of Mobile App Downloads (Jan-Dec 2022) - Japan VS Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines

Indonesia stands out with a staggering 7.7 billion downloads, emphasizing the immense potential for app-based businesses in the region.

Share of Mobile Web Traffic by Mobile OS

Share of Mobile Web Traffic by Mobile OS - Japan VS Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines

The dominance of mobile operating systems (OS) plays a crucial role in shaping the user experience. While Japan leans towards iOS, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines favor Android. Understanding these preferences is essential for developers, ensuring compatibility and optimization for the most-used OS in each market.

Top 5 Ranking Apps (based on Monthly Active Users)

Top 5 App Ranking (based on Monthly Active Users) - Japan VS Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines


In Japan, the top 5 app ranking features a unique landscape compared to Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines. The only similarity lies in the popularity of Instagram, which is also favored in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Japan’s Unique App Preferences: With Instagram as the sole similarity, Japan’s diverse app preferences offer opportunities for businesses to tailor strategies for a distinctive market.

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines

Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines share more similarities in their top app rankings. Facebook dominates these markets, with Facebook ranking 7th in Japan.

Facebook’s Regional Dominance: The prevalence of Facebook in Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines suggests a regional affinity, providing a common platform for businesses targeting these markets.

E-commerce Site Dominance

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines – Shopee Dominated

Shopee emerges as the dominant player in the e-commerce landscape of Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines, showcasing its regional influence.

Shopee’s Regional E-commerce Influence: The dominance of Shopee in Indonesia, Malaysia, and The Philippines reflects the platform’s successful regional expansion and popularity.

Japan – Amazon Dominated

Japan takes a different route with Amazon dominating its e-commerce landscape, highlighting diverse consumer preferences and market dynamics.

Amazon’s Reign in Japan: The prevalence of Amazon in Japan’s e-commerce market signals a unique consumer behavior and opportunities for businesses aligning with this preference.

Means of Communication

Japan – LINE

Japan’s chosen means of communication is LINE, emphasizing a cultural preference for this platform as the primary communication tool.

LINE’s Cultural Significance in Japan: The widespread use of LINE in Japan goes beyond mere communication; it reflects cultural preferences and societal norms.

Indonesia and Malaysia – WhatsApp

In contrast, Indonesia and Malaysia prefer WhatsApp as their primary means of communication, showcasing the popularity of this platform in these markets.

WhatsApp’s Regional Communication Dominance: The preference for WhatsApp in Indonesia and Malaysia signifies its regional communication dominance and integration into daily life.

Philippines – Facebook Messenger

The Philippines stands out with a preference for Facebook Messenger as the primary means of communication, indicating the platform’s significance in Filipino social interactions.

Facebook Messenger’s Filipino Connection: The widespread use of Facebook Messenger in the Philippines signifies its cultural integration and importance in social connections.


Navigating the mobile landscape of Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines requires a nuanced understanding of cultural nuances and user behaviors. While Japan stands out with its distinctive trends, the commonalities and differences in app preferences, communication platforms, and e-commerce choices across Southeast Asia showcase the region’s complexity. Crafting tailored strategies for each market is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity for success.

Stay tuned to our next article as we continue to explore other Southeast Asian countries. On our next article, we will explore the mobile landscape of Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.