Case Study: aix’s Press Release Service

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Press Release service case study of aix with andmedia

Client Information

  • andmedia: A human resource technology firm in Japan

Client’s KPI

  • Increase new clients
  • Conduct SEO for the company’s website
  • Increase the brand awareness


  1. Maximize CVR by designing banners and thumbnails
  2. Optimize SEO
  3. Provide high-quality press release articles

Services We Offered

  • Designed banners and thumbnails on the client’s website
  • Researched for the keywords and optimized the titles and descriptions
  • Arranged the website’s sitemap
  • Provide articles with high-volume keywords

Campaign Summary

What is and media?

It is a BtoB specialized SEO consultant service. Through this, we can operate a client’s owned media, optimize its website, generate backlinks for the client’s articles, and conduct a survey to compose a featured press release article.

PR article examples
