Where Do Japanese People Get Their News in 2024?

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Understanding the media consumption habits of your target audience is crucial for effective app marketing, particularly in a dynamic market like Japan. As we step into 2024, it’s essential for app marketers to grasp the intricate patterns of how different age groups in Japan consume news. This knowledge can significantly enhance the targeting and positioning of news-related applications and content delivery platforms. This article delves into these generational differences, examining the enduring dominance of traditional media like television and the accelerating shift towards digital platforms.

The Decline of Newspapers

Data source: モバイル社会研究所

In 2024, television continues to dominate as the primary source of news for Japanese people, maintaining a steady 70% viewership for the past 15 years. In contrast, newspaper readership has steadily declined to just under 40%. Social media has emerged as the leading news source for teens and young adults, while television remains the top choice for those in their thirties and older. Approximately 60% of individuals in their teens to thirties rely on social media platforms for news updates.

The Rise of Digital Media and Social Networks

Data source: モバイル社会研究所

Digital media, encompassing websites and apps, has grown significantly, with 50% of people accessing news through these platforms. Social media is particularly influential among younger audiences. About 42.9% of the population now gets their news from social media, surpassing newspapers.

For those in their teens and twenties, social media is the primary news source. This trend is critical for marketers targeting younger demographics. Platforms like X (formerly Twitter) play a significant role here, with approximately 60% of its users aged between their teens and 30s using it for news.

Generational Preferences

Data source: モバイル社会研究所

Seniors (70s)

  • Television: Continues to dominate, with about 90% relying on it for news.
  • Newspapers: Despite a decline, newspapers are still significant, with nearly 70% of seniors using them for news.
  • Websites and Apps: Around 60% of seniors have adopted digital platforms for news consumption.

Adults (30s to 60s)

  • Television: Remains the leading source, reflecting habits formed over decades.
  • Social Media: Increasingly influential, particularly among those in their 30s and 40s, where about 50% use it for news.
  • Newspapers: Usage declines with age but still relevant, with approximately 30% of those in their 50s relying on them.

Youths (Teens and 20s)

  • Social Media: Predominantly used for news, with over 60% relying on platforms like X for information.
  • Web and Apps: About 60% of youths access news through digital channels, showing a preference for mobile and online platforms.

Digital News Platforms and Their Impact

Data source: モバイル社会研究所

Websites and Apps

Websites and news apps are popular across all age groups but see higher engagement among the younger and middle-aged demographics. About 50% of people use these digital platforms for news, showcasing the convenience and accessibility they offer.

X (Formerly Twitter)

X is a key platform for news among younger users. About 60% of X users in their teens to thirties gather news from this platform. The percentage decreases with age, with 50% of users in their forties and 40% of those in their fifties to seventies using X for news.


LINE also plays a significant role in news consumption, particularly among younger users. Approximately 30% of LINE users rely on it for news, highlighting the platform’s growing influence in the media landscape.


The landscape of news consumption in Japan is marked by distinct generational preferences. While television remains a steadfast source of news across all ages, the decline of newspapers and the rise of social media highlight significant shifts in media consumption habits. Understanding these trends is crucial for media outlets and advertisers aiming to reach diverse audiences effectively. By leveraging targeted advertising, engaging content, and strategic partnerships, marketers can effectively navigate the evolving landscape and drive app adoption in the Japanese market.