Recap & Insights: “Health & Fitness Apps in Japan” Virtual Coffee Break Event by aix Inc.

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Virtual Coffee Break Health & Fitness apps in Japan

Tokyo, Japan – January 31, 2024

In an effort to make Japan marketing insights more accessible in English language, aix Inc., a Tokyo-based marketing agency, held a casual online event with the theme of chatting about Japanese culture and top Japanese apps over a cup of coffee. Entitled “Virtual Coffee Break: Health & Fitness Apps in Japan,” the online event garnered growth marketers and ASO professionals from Spain, Cyprus, Denmark, Turkey, Korea and Japan.

About aix Inc.

Big Data and AI Driven Marketing Solution Company CoE (Center of Excellence) Professional Company Based on AI(Artificial Intelligence) and Good-Quality Data set in the field of DIgital Marketing and Promotion in Japan
Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative Director & CEO: David Min

Screen Capture for the Virtual Coffee Break

Key Topics Discussed

The online event, hosted by Allen Park, Head of Marketing, and Jamie Lou Borile, Client Success Manager, delved into these topics:

1. How Japanese People Go About New Year’s Resolutions

Excerpt from Virtual Coffee Break Presentation | Download material for free here.

Understanding Japanese people’s behavior towards new year’s resolution, Allen delved into the most achieved and failed new years resolutions in Japan, as well as comparing how it is different to the US. It was found out that the fitness was the most achieved goals for Japanese people during 2023, and most failed was finance. When it comes to fitness-related new year goals, Japanese people seem to prefer simple exercises like walking. It’s also good to take note that Japanese people seem to care about “achievable” goals.

2. Comparison of Top 20 Health & Fitness Apps in Japan: App Store VS Play Store

Excerpt from Virtual Coffee Break Presentation | Download material for free here.

Knowing the trend on Japanese people preferring “achievable goals,” Jamie dug deep into the top ranking apps in the Health & Fitness app category and found out common trends on how these apps are strategizing their apps metadata to stay at the top. Various insights were discussed regarding what keywords and creatives entice Japanese people to download these apps – mostly emphasizing elements that makes the users visualize how they can succeed if they use the app, making their goals seem “achievable.” Comparing top apps in App Store VS Play Store, it has been realized that most top apps used keywords that appeal to the needs of their demographic (App Store users having more younger users VS Play Store having users mostly 40s-60s).

3. Free Japan Marketing Consultation

At the end of the discussion, participants freely asked questions regarding marketing in Japan. Let’s see what common questions global marketers are curious about app marketing in Japan…

  • Do you know what percentage of users search in Japanese vs English?
  • I was also wondering to what degree the screenshots should be adjusted to fit local preferences?
  • Do you have any feedbacks to design creatives for Japan market?

Answers to these questions can be viewed on our Virtual Coffee Break recording below.

Links & Resources

For those who missed the online event or wish to revisit the content, recordings, presentation slides, resources are below:

Virtual Coffee Break Recording on YouTube

Virtual Coffee Break Presentation

【aix Inc.】2024 January Virtual Coffee Break

Detailed Insights About Top Ranking Health & Fitness Apps in Japan

aix Inc. plan to continue making Japanese marketing trends and insights more accessible globally in English language. The company intends to host more online events exploring other app categories. To stay updated with the upcoming events, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter below:

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